Thursday 31 January 2013

Augmented Reality : Bringing real time space and computer generated graphics closer than ever

Our perception of reality flickers constantly. What may be held with utmost belief as real now may not be so a moment or two later, for our definition of real is ever changing.

Computer animation shook the globe with its worlds of limitless potential. You could defy physics, alter time or create worlds of undefinable beauty. And the child in us has wished secretly to co-exist with such a world, a limitless world without mental or physical boundaries.

And now that dream can be realized.

Introducing Augmented Reality.

Eclipsing your perception of the real world by altering it through real-time computer graphics, AR has opened up avenues beyond your wildest dreams. The annoying line between reality and the world of 3D graphics is now non-existent, thanks to AR technology.

This blog will be dedicated to educate its visitor on AR Technology, and how its application in various sectors will revolutionize the way we think and act, and more importantly, forever change our flickering definition of reality.

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