Thursday 31 January 2013

Expanding advertising horizons through AR

Augmented reality, or AR, may finally be coming of age. Particularly for Millennials, defined as those born in the 1980s and whose lives revolve around being constantly connected to technology (Blackberries, iPhones, Facebook, Twitter, video games, and more), AR offers a serious opportunity for marketers to reach these important consumers. With augmented reality, marketers can take the physical world and combine it with the digital world, giving both users and brands the ability to connect even further with a product before, during and after making a purchase.

The above picture has been taken from an Audi Augmented Ad Campaign, that allows its viewer to seeand experience the 3D model of the Audi R8.

The video below shows how a shoe brand used AR to allow its viewers to see an augmented model of their product, increasing both impact and appeal. The world of adverting will never be the same again.

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